EnFlex is a Houston based company specializing in advanced cryogenic process technologies, engineering, cryogenic equipment and turnkey process plants for the gas separation and liquefaction industry.

Process Technologies
From technology development to project execution, we deliver advanced cryogenic technology solutions that drive productivity, improve efficiency, and maximize profitability. Our extensive portfolio of patented and proprietary process technologies is designed to help our customers achieve competitive advantage.

EnFlex provides the entire range of technology licensing and engineering services from the initial front-end design packages through plant start-up and optimization. Our team of dedicated engineering professionals have the experience, knowledge, and commitment to support our customers and solve each project’s unique challenges.

Process Plants
We have a strong track-record of supplying custom engineered cryogenic equipment and plant solutions for the cryogenic gas separation and LNG industries. Our fully-integrated process plants include LNG facilities as well as cryogenic separation units for Olefins (PDH) and HyCO production.

Technology Licensing
• Licenses for EnFlex' patented and proprietary PDH separation process and LNG liquefaction processes

• Basic Process Engineering Design Packages
• Project Definition Packages for RFQ's

Cryogenic Equipment
• Custom designed BAHX (brazed aluminum heat exchangers)
• Custom designed Cold-box